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Trench excavation for electrical installation - West Perth


This West Perth business needed a trench sawcut and excavated in their asphalt driveway for installation of a new electrical system, then the asphalt / bitumen reinstated. We attended site to sawcut and excavate the trench on one day - you can see in the photo that we have had to work around existing service pipes (in this case water pipes). Electrical contactors completed their installation the following day, then we were able to reattend site on a second visit to backfill and comapct the trench, install and compact roadbase to form a durable hardstand basecourse, then lay a new layer of black asphalt / hotmix / bitumen to tie in flush with the surrounding bitumen carpark, carbays and driveways. Minimal disruption time was crucial to this business and we worked with the electrical contractors to ensure as little down time as possible. We pride ourselves on reliable, prompt service.

Trench excavation for electrical installation
Trench excavation for electrical installation


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