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Maida Vale - crossover resurface - patching


Below are before and after photos of an extremely worn crossover and a second potholed crossover and driveway in Maida Vale.

The potholed crossover was swept clean, potholes prefilled and compacted with roadbase and vegetation removed.

The surface was then tacked with a bitumen emulsion and resurfaced with a 25mm thick layer of 7mm red gravelpave hotmix with 1% oxide.

The potholes were swept clean, tacked with a bitumen emulsion and patched with 7mm red gravelpave hotmix with 1% oxide - overlapping edges to ensure a good seal.

Once the asphalt had been laid, compacted and cooled down, a thin layer of sand was sprinkled to allow for immediate traffic use without scuffing. The sand will disperse naturally over the next few days.


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