The two photos below show the existing driveway prior to any works commencing.
The client has requested us to widen and resurface the crossover and driveway.
The following two photos show the completion of the basework.
Excess fill was removed, the extensions were filled with a 100mm thick layer of roadbase/gravel, compacted and waterbound to form a hardstand surface.
The remaining driveway was swept clean, weeds removed and potholes/depressions
pre-filled with base.
The edges of the proposed asphalt/hotmix have been marked out with paint.
The surface is now being allowed to dry prior to sealing tacking place.
The 3 photos below show the finished surface prior to sand being spread to allow for immediate traffic use.
The completed base surface was tacked with a bitumen emulsion and a 25mm thick layer of 7mm laterite hotmix/asphalt with 1% oxide - spread, levelled and compacted while still hot.
Once the surface had cooled down it was ready for immediate traffic use.
The surface will lighten up in colour over time to a red/terracotta finish when oxidised by the sun and all join lines will fade.
#kalamunda #perthhills #redasphalt #laterite #hotmix #roadbase #driveway #crossover #extension #bitumen #residential