Below are photos of an area earmarked for construction of a hardstand surface for container storage.
Grass was removed and spread adjacent to the work site.
Sand was re-levelled to allow for a gentle water discharge fall.
Once the sand/gravel mixture was re-levelled roadbase was delivered to site, spread, graded, compacted and waterbound at a minimum of 100mm thickness to create a hardstand surface.
Once the surface had dried out a compacted 40mm thick layer of 10mm granite black hotmix was laid to seal the surface totalling 600m².
The area has been lightly covered in sand to prevent scuffing while the hotmix is fresh and to allow for immediate use.
The sand will disperse naturally over the next few days.

The area is now ready for the delivery of containers.
The visible tyremarks are from a Bobcat machine but due to the sand spread on the surface the asphalt underneath is unmarked.
Below - within a day or so the sand is already starting to disperse.
