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Gooseberry Hill - residential driveway and crossover - red asphalt


Updated: Jul 17, 2023

Below are various before, during and after photos of a red laterite asphalt driveway and crossover being constructed.

The surface was scraped clean of any sand, vegetation and contamination.

A 900mm Ø soakwell with grated trafficable lid was installed with an excavator and rock breaker at the lowest point of the driveway.

The surface was then covered with roadbase, levelled, compacted and waterbound in preparation for sealing.

The area was sealed with a bitumen tack and 25mm thick layer of 7mm laterite asphalt/hotmix with 1% red oxide.

The area was then cooled down with water and sprinkled with sand to allow for immediate traffic use. The sand prevents scuffing while the hotmix is still warm and pliable.

Please note the dark appearance which will lighten up to a gravel/laterite/terracotta colour over the coming weeks and months as it oxides with the sun.


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