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Glen Forrest - resurface - driveway - asphalt


These photos show the worn driveway and parking area behind a Glen Forrest residential house as well as an excavated section along the middle of the concrete driveway.

The parking area was swept clean, removing all dust and debris in preparation for resurfacing.

The excavated section of driveway was filled with roadbase (gravel), compacted with a vibrating roller and waterbound.

Below are photos of the excavated section of driveway sealed with a liquid bitumen tack and 25mm layer of 7mm granite black hotmix/asphalt.

The parking area was resurface with the same product as above being a liquid bitumen tack and 25mm layer of 7mm granite black hotmix/asphalt - after pre-filling of potholes and depressions. Once completed the parking area was sprinkled with a bit of sand to allow for immediate traffic use as the sand prevents scuffing if sharp turning is carried out whilst the asphalt is still fresh.


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