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Darlington - repairs - hardstand driveway - crossover - patch


Below are before and after pictures of a potholed bitumen crossover and the asphalt/hotmix/bitumen potholed patch overlaying the damage to seal this worn crossover and give it an additional number of years of life.

The pothole was first cleaned out, weeds removed, tacked with bitumen emulsion and then overlaid with a 40mm thickness of asphalt/hotmix/bitumen - ready for immediate use.

Sand was sprinkled over the freshly laid surface (which blows away in a short amount of time) to allow immediate use of vehicles.

Below is a before and after picture of the gravel hardstand washed out driveway at the same address as the above potholed crossover.

The surface was washed out immediately above a drainage pipe.

We installed additional rocks to raise the headwall, fill the gaps with asphalt/hotmix/bitumen to ensure water does not wash out anymore of the gravel surface.

The low area of gravel driveway was raised with additional gravel/ferricrete and compacted.

We removed a small amount of soil adjacent to the side of the driveway to allow for the heavy amount of water which drains off the road onto the driveway to run-off the gravel hardstand prior to reaching the headwall and drainage pipe.


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