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Swan View - driveway crack sealing

Asphalt driveways throughout the Perth Hills are notorious for cracking due to the movement of the ground which consists largely of clay...

Maylands - pothole patching

Below are before and after photos of potholes patched in a commercial carpark situated in the Perth suburb of Maylands. The carpark is in...

Hovea - National Park - pothole patching

Below are before and after photos of potholes that were patched throughout the roads at a National Park in Hovea. The potholes were swept...

Bentley - patching - crossover

The first two photos show a severely cracked section of a crossover to a commercial property in Bentley. The damaged section of asphalt...

Maylands - potholes - repairs - patching

Below are before and after photos of pothole patching in the Perth suburb of Maylands. We were contracted to patch over 80 hazardous...

Gosnells - pothole patching

Below are before and after photos of potholed sections of driveways and carparks at a Tavern in Gosnells. The potholes were swept clean,...

Kalamunda - pothole patching - repair

Below are before and after pictures of a subsidence/pothole in a driveway in the Perth hills suburb of Kalamunda. The subsidence was...

Alexander Heights - pothole patching

Below are before and after photos of potholes throughout a shopping centre carpark in Alexander Heights. The bitumen surfaces are...

Boya - Perth Hills - driveway - resurface

The first 3 photos below show an existing worn section of driveway which needs resurfacing in the Perth Hills suburb of Boya. The owner...

Lesmurdie - driveway - patching

Below are a couple of photos of some of the potholes in a residential driveway situated in the Perth hills suburb of Lesmurdie. Below are...

South Lake - pothole - patching

Below are before and after photos of a pothole that had to be repaired urgently in a commercial carpark in the Perth southern suburb of...

Belmont - residential driveway

Below are various photos of an existing hardstand roadbase driveway being sealed. The existing base was re-rolled, tacked with a bitumen...

Photos & Blog: Blog2
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