Kalamunda - recycled asphalt - hotmix - hardstand
The existing hardstand recycled asphalt/hotmix/bitumen parking area was extended to allow for additional parking for more vehicles. The...
(08) 9454 4411
The existing hardstand recycled asphalt/hotmix/bitumen parking area was extended to allow for additional parking for more vehicles. The...
Severely cracked and potholed driveways and loading bays at a local Perth Shopping Centre carpark needed urgent attention. Due to rain...
Below are a before and after photo of a pothole that had to be urgently repaired. The pothole was swept clean, tacked with a bitumen...
This path at public premises in Wooroloo had a couple of potholes along the side and a 6 metre long section at the end which was severely...
A badly worn and potholed double crossover leading to two properties in real need of resurfacing. The following two photos show the...
Once the crossover was swept clean the exposed roadbase potholes were prefilled and compacted. We laid tack and a compacted 25mm layer...
The preparation and trimming back of edges to tie in flush has been completed and half the area has already been resurfaced with a 25mm...
On completion of the preparation and resurfacing with 25mm layer of asphalt/hotmix/bitumen the area was scattered with yellow sand to...
This driveway and crossover which has red and black sections is extremely badly worn and potholed and in dire need of repair. This photo...
This residence in Mosman Park had a very tired and worn out crossover and driveway. The area was swept clean and the potholes and...
This aging crossover in the Perth hills suburb of Kelmscott is in desperate need of resurfacing. The crossover was swept, potholes and...
With just a sweep of all the loose material off the surface of the driveway and pre-filling of a few potholes and depressions we added a...
Once completed the hotmix/asphalt/bitumen newly resurfaced crossover is ready for immediate use. To avoid any scuff marks while the...
Below are before and after photos of pothole patching repairs throughout roadways in a Western Australian National Park. The potholes in...
The angle of this driveway in the exclusive suburb of Mosman Park was directing all the rain water towards the driveway entrance of the...
Another view of this excavation receiving its' final roll and compaction with a vibrating roller to compact the 25mm thick...
This car parking area was prepared earlier in the week with limestone and roadbase. After installing new concrete kerb to the sides, the...
This property had an existing badly damaged concrete and dirt driveway. We completed all aspects of this project from the removal of the...
This crossover resurfaced moments before the photos was taken has now been covered in sand and ready for immediate vehicle traffic. The...
The driveway through the middle of this warehouse was badly damaged. The area was sawcut, excavated and disposed off site. Black...